Where did you find the bumper sticker??? i want one sooo bad!! and its not nerdy at all!
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Is it geeky to have transformers bumper sticker on my car?The nerdiness increases with the size of the symbol.If you have an oldschool yellow camaro then you can do the metal logo and still be somewhat cool. Otherwise, it's just a price you'll have to pay for putting a cartoon reference on your car.
Lame, no.....geeky...maybe...
whether it is geeky or not...dont you know nerd is in anyway started by bill gates and steve jobs...the super nerds. So go ahead and express yourself. We all have a inner nerd...some are more repressed than others, but it is there.
have fun with itIs it geeky to have transformers bumper sticker on my car?If you put it on a non-visible part of the car like lets say under the hood or( basically don't make a big deal about, DON'T talk about!) in the glove compartment it might be suitable.Is it geeky to have transformers bumper sticker on my car?
if needs must, replace your logo with autobot and see where it gets you, if your not single then you will be!lol, Yes its geeky, but stay true to you if that's what floats your boat.
It's dorky, geeky, and lame
But if it makes you happy, don't worry about it. Just stick it on and be happy.Is it geeky to have transformers bumper sticker on my car?
its not bad if its just a symbol. most people wont know what it is. if it says like transofrmers or anything like that, i would advise against it
Only geeky if your car isn't an autobot.
If your over 13,then yeah;/
Geeky and nerdy....mmmm, Bill Gates comes to mind - on second thought, I don't see the down side.
lol no its funny who gives a **** what people think
Its all relative. You will always be geeky to some one. I say do it if you want to
lol it is trust me ur never gonna get a girl with one of those... although if u have to ask dont bother caring just put them on there u prolly dont get girls already
I'm hesitant to do it because some my deem it lame or nerdy.
Then don't.
hah noo :)
its way cool
i love transformers! x
it would be pimp.. I want one
if you like it why not?
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